- Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships by David Levy I first heard about this book on Comedy Central's popular show Stephen Colbert Report, last Thursday. We all know that there exists a bevy of sex toys and gizmo that cater to the needs of many people in various walks of life. I hear that it is actually a flourishing industry with seemingly great potential for future investment and returns !!! Anyways, in this book, author Levy explores many aspects of human relationships: the reasons we fall in love, the reasons we feel a need for emotional attachments, and why these same attachments could extend to love for robots. He even goes further when he claims that humans would eventually end up marrying robots and feel emotionally satisfied. This may not surprise all of us, as we had seen Jude Law playing the role of a Gigolo in Stanley Kubrick's/Steven Spielberg's movie A.I. While I haven't read this book yet, my basis for aforementioned statements rests solely on various reviews about this book and David Levy's interview on Colbert Report. Some reviews about this book could be found http://www.powells.com/biblio?show=hardcover:sale:9780061359750:17.46 (of course you could google it as well), and his interview could be found http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_colbert_report/videos/most_recent/index.jhtml , and if you scroll down the section where it says new videos and look for interview with David Levy: dated 1/17/08. I hope you can find it, as it is a laugh riot. This interview starts with Colbert expressing his skepticism and contempt at the very thought of humans making love with robots (rather sex-bots, I should say), getting concerned about the role of men in man-woman relationships, and finally getting downright hilarious when he expresses his concern about the sexuality of robots as told by GOD ( for those who don't know Colbert, he is a brilliant comedian who supports Republican party and holds conservative views compatible with the GOP), and is overjoyed when he learns that one day he could get one such robot for 100$ in Best Buy !!! I must say that I was very concerned on how Colbert is going to navigate his show during this writer's strike period, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/19/arts/television/19writers.html?ref=business , this episode of Colbert report has given me optimism that Colbert can indeed manage the show without his key writers. However, I may have to write another post to express solidarity with striking writers, as I feel their demands are genuine and needs to be addressed.
- Tech and Adult Entertainment industry ( euphemism for porn industry ) While hosting the recently concluded Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Vegas also hosted the Adult Entertainment Expo. This expo was held to showcase (apparently) the advancements in the intersection of technology and adult entertainment. If Steven Soderbergh was to remake his Sex, Lies and Videotape ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098724/ ), he would call it as...yes, you guessed it right, Sex, Lies, HD Dvd and Blue Ray Disks !!! If you were to listen to porn actress Jesse Jane, she says "I like HD, it's more realistic... It's a perfect picture. It's a crazy picture it's real", more reasons for you to dump your idiot-box and get a 56" flat panel HD, if you don't have one yet. Mobile porn is apparently gaining momentum, thanks to smart phones like iPhone, and iPod Touch (what a name !!!). You could read more at http://www.cnbc.com/id/22578009
- Reality Romps at Big Sister This is definitely the most depressing of the 3 articles I am reporting here on technology and sex. Big Sister is basically reality TV on prostitution, where the protagonists get free experience, and in return have their exploits filmed and posted on the internet. I personally hate all kinds of reality TV shows, such as Big Brother and other crap. And now you got to contend with likes of Big Sister. You can read more at http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=a6C0QuB5G6Ys&refer=exclusive
Certainly, we are living in Kaliyug. For every great invention and discovery in science and technology that improves the quality of our lives, there seems to be an ugly counterpart that finds a savior among us. At the end, we are entirely responsible for the decadence and destruction of our society. And the truth is, there is not much we can do about it !!!
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