Saturday, November 10, 2007

Everybody Says I am Greedy !!!

No thats not the title of the next nation captivating sitcom on TBS or in any other telly. Thats probably what A-Rod might be thinking now. And I think A-Rod is indeed greedy. The way he and Scott Boras announced his filing for free-agency in the midst of game 4 of world series, and the obnoxious paycheck ( 30 million USD ) he is demanding for the next ten years, come to my mind readily. Thankfully, A-Rod is NOT asking to be paid in Canadian Dollars, taking advantage of current USD weakening against Canadian dollar !!! Its good that A-Rod and Scott Boras are not economists, and that he is not too greedy to be that greedy. :-)

Come to think of it, anyone would be out of their minds to pay what he is asking. Yes, he has piled on home runs. But he has never delivered in October, when it matters, and so has never won a ring. To compound his problems, he is rumored to have been a disruptive influence in locker rooms in the past. The way he handled himself from Seattle to Texas to Bronx has been nothing but a media circus. All his (potential) suitors should take into account that the Yankees couldn't even reach world series during his three years with them. Therein lies an important lesson. And that is, by coughing up huge packet for A-Rod, a team will NOT be able to afford other superstars that you need to win world series. Even a team like the Yankees, renowned for their bottomless bank accounts, couldn't achieve that.

The Yankees ( Brian Cashman and the Steinbrenners ) might think A-Rod is greedy too. Voila !!! Finally, the Yanks and I are on the same wave-length on atleast one topic of interest. Truly a remarkable event, thanks to A-Rod. But its very funny when the Yankees crib about A-Rod, afterall they are the epitome of greed. Nevertheless, these are good times to be a Bostonian !

Quite a few in the media have expressed their anguish and anger about this whole thing unfolding during world series. Some have used their wit to express their views. The following link is one of the funniest I had come across. I, especially, like the one connecting A-Rod, Boston Red Sox and that silly Drew Barrymore movie Fever Pitch. If you know the media circus and the sitcoms that is aka A-Rod, you will enjoy this link.

Oh btw, it also has David Letterman's 10 funny excuses for Rockies' loss to Red Sox... :-)

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