Monday, July 16, 2007

I Saved 50 cents !!! A Simple Joy of Life :-)

Ofcourse not the rapper, which if I had did I would be now shaking my ass with bootilicious women instead of writing this post, but 2 quarters. Thats right, I saved 2 quarters coins !!! Eureka !!!

First I need to give my axiomatic definition of "Simple Joys of Life", as its highly subjective. The two simple rules that go into the definition are

1) It has to be simple...:-) I mean it should not involve expensive things or it should not be expensive, ie., it should be insignificant in monetary value...

2) Occurrence of that event has to be an extreme event...I mean the event shuld lie in the fat tails of the distribution of the random variable called Simple Joys...or in other words, probability of the occurrence of that event is very small...Some examples of extreme events, include occurrence of a nuclear explosion or that of an earthquake or tsunami...Assuming you live in an area that is not prone to above accidents, otherwise it would be repeating incidents and not accidents...

Last night when I went to do my laundry, I was half asleep. Thats because I did my laundry at near midnight..whatever...Now I dump my clothes in the washer that I normally I don't use. I normally use the first washer at the door. But last night I don't know why I chose the last washer from the door...whatever...So I dump my clothes in this washer, add detergent, and when I am about to add coins, I notice that it needs only 75 cents. Normally it requires a bribe of $ 1.25 to make it work. Blimey, someone added 50 cents and left the laundry !!!

Now this qualifies as "A Simple Joy of Life", as per my axiomatic definition outlined above. Lets look at the purchasing power of 50 cents. I mean what can one possibly buy with 50 cents? You can neither get a bottle of water nor a can of beer...:-( Even if you want to take advantage of economies of scale, and buy a pack of beer cans, to achieve your objective of getting a can of beer for 50 cents, you still need to generate money in an exogenous manner. So that doesn't really count. Even if you convert into Indian Rupees, that turns out to be roughly Rs.20, you could get a couple of keera vadais, one potato bonda or mysore pak, and one coconut poli, or one good pani puri and masala chai...well there are actually quite a lot of great combinations when you convert 50 cents to smiling Gandhis...But the cost of going to India to spend 50 cents is ridiculous...So it satisfies the 1st condition...

Now this event is also an extreme event...I mean what are the odds of coming across someone who would add 50 cents to the washer and decide to leave abruptly? Even if he doesn't want to use washer, he could have easily pressed the toggle next to the coin slot which would return his coins...So it satisfies the 2nd rule too !!!

So saving 50 cents in my fast dwindling bank balance qualifies as "A Simple Joy of Life" !!!:-)


Prasanna Kumar said...
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Prasanna Kumar said...

Very interesting to read, i really enjoyed it !!!!

Improper Bostonian said...

@ Prasanna :

Thanks for your kind words...hope you keep visiting my blog when you get a chance to kill time...:-)

My blog is a just a collection of random (mostly useless) views...nothing controversial...:-)

deepa said...

simple joys like these are the most cherished ones

Improper Bostonian said...

very true Dr. Dee

divya chandramouli said...

your post is nearly an anti-thesis of mine. i enoyed reading it. may i know your name?

Improper Bostonian said...

@ Divya:
Thank you...I post articles on all sorts of things that I come across...It could vary from anything controversial to something very trivial at the other end...I just don't like to conform to one view in my next few posts are likely to be controversial...:-)

please keep visiting when u get is Karthik...

divya said...

getting done with laundry at any cost counts as a simple joy in my life..

Improper Bostonian said...

@ Divya:

very true...especially if someone does it for you...:-)