Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bangalore's IT revolution and its (supposedly) dangerous impact on TN and Kerala !!!

There is no smoke without a fire - Someone Wise

All of us would have come across samaritans who wear placards about impending apocalyse, and how GOD is the ONLY savior on this judgement day ( as shown in the above pic). Well dear readers, I am sorry to break out that they are actually true, if you were to believe The Hindu, the respected and widely read newspaper in Chennai and which every Tam would love to read with a strong filter coffee every morning !!!

As very well documented, Bangalore's IT revolution and its subsequent rise from one of the prominent cities in South India to one of the prominent cities of the world is a stuff of the legend. Many firms with Bangalore as its base have a made a name of themselves in this IT revolution. With this IT revolution comes the inevitable changes to the Bangalore fabric. Migration of people, overcrowding, increase in traffic, law and order issues, vanishing greenery, soaring real estate prices etc., to name a few.

While many in the media have highlighted these and other various issues at various lengths, I was startled to find a new trend affecting the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. According to The Hindu dated July 9th 2007, two cities/towns of TN, namely Coimbatore and Salem, and Kozhikode from Kerala have reportedly migrated to Karnataka. Please look into,

Looks like these three couldn't resist the seduction of Karnataka's ever increasing real-estate prices, and have decided to migrate so as to not rot further in their states. This is the strongest message of Apocalyse to all the lunatic polictians in Tamil nadu and Kerala. If you politicians don't come up with an IT revolution of your own in TN and Kerala, expect more cities to migrate to Karnataka !!!

Either get HIGH (in IT) or your end is NIGH !!!


Arun Sethuraman said...

looks like you've sorted it out![:)]
just change the settings to enable comments like an angel!

Improper Bostonian said...

thanks Arun...

deepa said...

Hmm.......what can I say, proud to be a Bangalorean!!

Charanya said...

I think B'lore is reaching a saturation least in the company I work in (the Slanted E)...we are targetting Chennai next to set up our development centre...we are already in the process of setting up a huge manufacturing centre there!!

And have you checked the real estate prices recently in Chennai??? It's absolutely crazy...

Improper Bostonian said...

u at Dell? can't think of slanted E with anyone else...i didnt even know they have a shop in b'lore...

real estate prices in chennai are not that high yet...i wa sin chennai only few weeks back...miss that stinky smell...

am just back from a movie "rescue dawn" that has one of my favorite actors Christian off to harry potter in 15 sure u r a potter fan too...i am not but i am still going...:-)

thanks for reading my post, and pls visit when u r vetti, like me...thats "useless" in tamil btw...i shud be posting my review on Christian Bale and how is probably the true successor to "method acting" pioneered by Marlon Brando, Shivaji Ganesan( INdian actor), Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Kamal Hasan and Vikram ( 2 other Indian actors)...enjoy ur Saturday...

Charanya said...

yes...I am from Dell...
yes...Dell has a HUGE dev centre in B'lore
yes...I know what vetti Tamilian after all!
yes...I ADORE Harry P and saw the movie on the opening day itself


Oh...and American fave Christian Bale movie!! hahaha...

Improper Bostonian said...

so I have somehow managed to crack a bit of the puzzle of the mysterious ciara...not bad, eh !!!

a lady who likes American Psycho and Christian Bale deserves a salute...maybe more...:-)

i equally like both Bret Easton Ellis's and Chuck Palahniuk's rant on existential angst...

But Christian Bale is a definitely a fine talent. He can make good authors look great with his screen presence not seen since the Robert De Niro and Al Pacino unofficially retired from screen stealing performance oriented movies...I hear these 2 are doing something with Michael Mann...maybe good times are back again...